Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Key component of a work ethic


Professionalism has to do with the way a person conducts himself or herself in the workplace. Professional behavior in the workplace impacts the entire organization, affecting every aspect of day-to-day operations and ultimately impacting the company's bottom line. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person"; and it defines a profession as "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation."

There are four key elements that demonstrate a professional attitude. These are:
-- Treat other with respect
-- Keep your word
-- Be loyal
-- Exceed expectations

A respectful workplace creates productive and engaged employees. On the other hand, workplaces where employees feel disrespected experience high levels of turnover, conflict, grievances, and low levels of engagement, attendance and productivity.
Ask anyone in your workplace what treatment they most want from their bosses and coworkers at work. They will likely top their list with the desire for their employer and coworkers to treat them as if they have dignity and with respect. Respect is when you feel admiration and deep regard for an individual.

Finding a vendor, employee or partner who will consistently play their part is one of the great challenges in business. Want to win in this world? I've found that the most simple and effective tactic is to be the most dependable. Unfortunately, that's a quality that's often severely lacking in the service industry.
Dependability is a valuable quality in the workplace, whether it comes from your employees or vendors. An employee whom the boss can depend on is beneficial to the business, and a dependable employee has a greater possibility of seeing job growth and security.

All of us can be sincere towards our interactions with people and situation. We should refrain from merely showing sincerity. In fact, showing sincerity is simple. Fulfilling a promise, meeting a friend on time, helping someone in need are all examples of how we can express sincerity. However, there are some of us who stop here. This is insufficient. When it comes to sincerity, we should live it. This brings us to the concept of intention. One can show sincerity in every aspects of one’s communication but if one’ intention is ultimately to deceive or to manipulate, then one is not sincere. In another words, we need to ask ourselves about what we wish to achieve with our intentions. If it’s altruistic in nature or for the greater good, then it’s great. If not, we need to question our intentions more closely, lest our sincerity become suspect.

You don’t let obstacles stop you, and enthusiastically embrace challenges like a mountain climber who ascends higher and higher until the summit is reached. You know that your job as an entrepreneur is to solve your clients’ problems, and you resolve to continually seek better and more innovative answers. With purpose and resilience, you push ahead, no matter how far you have to go.

Employees want to keep their peers accountable when they fail to meet up to the demands of their job, in the same way they want to recognize them when they do good work. But when employees have no system of accountability in place, things can very quickly fall apart. This is why accountability matters, and why you need to invest in it.
You take personal responsibility for your actions and outcomes in every situation, and avoid making excuses when things don’t go as planned. You admit your mistakes and use them as learning experiences so you won’t make the same ones again.

Humble people may be more grounded in their lives than others. To be humble means to have a modest estimate of our own importance; to feel equal to others, not above or better than. Ego does not drive a humble person, because they are not motivated to impress or dominate others.

Here are some examples of humility in the workplace:
-- Being able to accurately assess yourself, including your strengths and weaknesses
-- Remaining open to new information or ideas, even if they contradict your previous opinions
-- Balancing your own needs with service to others
-- Recognizing the contributions of others toward your successes
-- Being instinctively aware of your self-worth, to avoid reminding everyone about it constantly
-- Being able to put your ego aside and give your best without expecting recognition 

Vignesh B Nayak (UI/UX Developer)

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